There are plenty of signs that warmer weather is here to stay, including longer days, birds nesting, and gardening. This article will provide our top five favorite summer lawn maintenance tips.

1. Water your lawn in the morning

As the temperature rises, your soil will begin to dry out faster. Try cutting your grass earlier in the morning or after the sun goes down in the afternoon.

2. Don’t cut your grass as low

Did you know that tall grass keeps the soil below it cooler and it allows the roots to grow deeper? Try it, if you haven’t done so already and see the difference.

3. Leave some grass clippings on the lawn.

Instead of bagging the grass clippings after cutting your lawn, leave some of the grass clippings on the lawn to allow the nutrients to return into the soil.

4. Get rid of weeds

Keeping up with lawn maintenance also means treating weeds, which steal water and nutrients from the grass. Check with your local nursery for the best treatment products in your local area to obtain the best results for your lawn.

5. Trim bushes and foliage
Inspect and trim the bushes and other foliage that grows close to your house and HVAC system. Keeping your garden, flower beds and lawn trimmed can protect your foundation and discourage unwanted pests.

For more information on lawn care maintenance year-round, download this FREE GUIDE from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.
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