Running a community requires all board members to conduct themselves in their roles ethically. It should be outlined in a Code of Ethics for Board Members.
As part of this series, we will discuss the top ethical and unethical behaviors of a community association’s board members. The following list is not exhaustive but can be used as a starting point for developing and/or strengthening your community association’s code of ethics.

Board members should:
● Strive at all times to serve the best interests of the association as a whole regardless of their personal interests.
● Use sound judgment to make the best possible business decisions for the association, taking into consideration all available information, circumstances and resources.
● Act within the boundaries of their authority as defined by law and the governing documents of the association.
● Provide opportunities for residents to comment on decisions facing the association.
● Perform their duties without bias for or against any individual or group of owners or non-owner residents.
● Conduct open, fair, and well-publicized elections.
● Always speak with one voice, supporting all duly-adopted board decisions even if the board member was in the minority regarding actions that may not have obtained unanimous consent.

Retrieved on June 1st, 2021 from Model Code of Ethics for Community Board Members.