A homeowners association’s day-to-day management, governance, and administration involve ethical considerations. Codes of conduct for HOA board members outline the policies you must follow and state what is acceptable and what is not. We will conclude our series with the lists of the top unethical behaviors for community association board members.

Board members should not:

● Reveal confidential information provided by contractors or share information with those bidding for association contracts unless specifically authorized by the board.
● Make unauthorized promises to a contractor or bidder.
● Advocate or support any action or activity that violates a law or regulatory requirement.
● Use their positions or decision-making authority for personal gain or to seek advantage over another owner or non-owner resident.
● Spend unauthorized association funds for their own personal use or benefit.
● Accept any gifts—directly or indirectly—from owners, residents, contractors, or suppliers.
● Misrepresent known facts in any issue involving association business.
● Divulge personal information about any association owner, resident, or employee that was obtained in the performance of board duties.
● Make personal attacks on colleagues, staff, or residents.
● Harass, threaten or attempt through any means to control or instill fear in any board member, owner, resident, employee, or contractor.
● Reveal to any owner, resident, or other third party the discussions, decisions, and comments made at any meeting of the board properly closed or held in executive session.
● Disclose personal or professional relationships with any company or individual who has or is seeking to have a business relationship with the association.

Retrieved on June 1st, 2021 from Model Code of Ethics for Community Board Members.