Fall is the perfect time of year to plant trees and plants. Fall is a great time to prepare plants that will bloom in the coming Spring. While the leaves begin to change color in the Fall, it should remind you that it is time to start planting. Here are several benefits to Fall planting:

Not only does Fall still provide warmer weather with less humidity, but it also provides cooler temperatures in the day which plants love! Fall plants include chrysanthemums, dahlias, asters, junipers, and more. When planting in Fall, you will need to consider how much sunlight your plants will receive through the winter months as this can affect how well they grow (more light = better growth).

Planting in the Fall also allows plants to establish a root system before the winter. As a result, plants will have more natural protection from cold temperatures when they go into hibernation during the winter months and are less likely to die in their first few years of life.

As Fall plants grow, they often lose leaves, allowing hardier plants to survive long winters without losing their foliage (think evergreens).

Fall also offers you an opportunity for planting perennials that need time to establish themselves as well as annuals — but don’t forget about bulbs! Planting bulbs now will give them ample time to bloom at just the right moment come Springtime with stunning colors ranging from white daffodils and tulips or deep red amaryllis and paperwhites.

Planting in the Fall gives you time to set up watering systems or transplant smaller plants into larger pots so they’ll have room to grow next season.

Fall plants can be the most rewarding plants! The cool weather that Fall brings allows plants to grow and establish roots before winter arrives. And if you plan on spending time outside this holiday season, then it might not hurt to plant some cheerful blueberry bushes too; there is nothing like freshly picked berries from your garden.

Fall plants are perfect for landscaping. Fall plants provide an explosion of color come Springtime with their blossoming and will help you create a warm, welcoming place to enjoy your surroundings.

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