Neighborhoods are often the first places to feel the effects of a pandemic. With neighbors under quarantine and no way to escape, how do you keep your community together? One solution is through outdoor games! The best way to stay connected during Pandemic and take advantage of the changing cooler weather is by getting out of the house, connecting with friends and neighbors for a game or outdoor activity! These activities can be done in close quarters and will help build strong connections with others. Here are some ideas for Pandemic-friendly outdoor activities:

Pandemic Bingo – Play bingo as usual, but use words like “quarantine” or “antibiotics”.

Pandemic Scavenger Hunt – Go on a scavenger hunt for items like an umbrella or gloves. Give gift cards for winning teams.

Pandemic Pictionary – Draw pictures about pandemic safety tips as a great reminder to help keep your family and community safe instead of drawing pictures related to words. There are some great games we can play that will help everyone have fun while staying healthy.

Play a game of tag or Frisbee football in the yard with family and friends! This will keep everyone active, have fun together, and provide an opportunity to break out your favorite old games from when you were younger. Keep it safe by staying on property lines.

Play a game of bear hunting. Hide teddy bears in the yard or in windows to see who can find it first. The person with the most points wins! This game is great for kids, but don’t forget to keep safety a priority by staying off your neighbors property.

Walking or cycling groups are another way to get everyone together outside during Pandemic. Not only will this help build community, it will also help you stay active.

Lawn gatherings or meet and greets are a great way to build community while being outdoors and maintaining a safe social distance.

In the event that a pandemic occurs, your community will be key in helping each other stay safe. Include safety tips for each activity and remember to stay on property lines. Make sure you have emergency contact numbers and are updated on Pandemic updates from your local government agency so everyone can stay on top of the latest information.

It’s probably no surprise to you that your neighborhood is one of the first places a pandemic will make its way through. With neighbors under quarantine and unable to escape, it can be hard for people in your community to keep their spirits up. Luckily these are some simple and fun ways you can help maintain your connection with others even when they’re not able to come over or visit on the phone. Be Safe.

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