The winter season approaches, and with it comes a list of important topics to discuss so that everyone can stay safe during the cold months ahead. With 10 tips compiled below for your consideration–we hope these will help you prepare the residents in your HOA as we head into yet another treacherous year!

  1. Ensure that roofs are inspected and repaired as needed. This is extremely important in areas where snowfall may pose a threat to your home, especially if there has been an increase of icicles forming on your residence or building due to heavy winter precipitation. Icicles can cause major damage not only during their initial formation but also throughout the season because they will continue growing until they eventually fall off.
  2. If you notice any leaks around skylights, chimneys, or other places where water may accumulate, be sure to address it immediately before mold starts developing inside walls.
  3. Remove the vegetation from around your HVAC system so that it can operate efficiently and won’t create an attractive hiding place for rodents.
  4. Remind residents about the community snow removal process.
    • Who to call about snow removal if they live on a county or city road
    • Inform them if the HOA budget doesn’t include snow removal.
    • Refer homeowners to the section in the community bylaws that discuss if homeowner’s are responsible for clearing sections of their sidewalk.
    • Encourage homeowners to create a snow removal plan if they don’t want to shovel sidewalks themselves.
  5. Post winter maintenance reminders throughout November/December time period and at association meetings.
  6. Solicit advertisements for your community newsletter. Homeowner’s love to give back, so offer Homeowner’s the chance to be featured in your newsletter. The Homeowners will gladly contribute their winter maintenance tips for others within the HOA community!
  7. Be prepared during bad weather. Make sure Homeowner’s are aware of expected snow days and cancel association meetings accordingly if there is a possibility that they may get postponed or canceled. Furthermore, make it clear when Homeowner’s should expect street parking bans (to allow plows through) and avoid fines by abiding by them.
  8. Create an at a glance calendar to be included in the winter newsletter for the upcoming year. Homeowner’s will appreciate knowing what’s going on in their community to include street parking bans and Homeowner association meetings.
  9. Stay in touch with Homeowners! The winter months are a great time to reach out via email or social media posts about the HOA community. Homeowner’s love hearing from you during this time of year as it may not be readily apparent that their HOA is up and running during the cold season ….if nothing else but for them to hear you’re thinking about them!
  10. Include contact information where Homeowner’s can easily find it throughout your website or even on printed materials such as newsletters or business cards given out at formal events. Make sure Homeowners know who to call/write when there is an issue.

As the winter season approaches, it is important to take precautions to ensure that the Homeowner’s in your association will be ready for anything. Whether you are a homeowner or property manager, there are many things you need to do in order to prepare for cold months ahead.

If you would like more information about any of these topics or want help with any other questions related to managing your HOA please contact Property Life Management at (703) 737-0072 today!


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#Home #Winter #HOA #HomeOwnersAssociation #Property #PropertyManagement #Cold #Snow #Ice #Roof #Safety #Residents #Newsletter #Information #Season #Management #PropertyLifeManagement #Preparation #Tips #homeownersassociationmaagement #homeownersassociationcompany #snowremoval

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PLM is your one stop, full service real estate company, offering property management, maintenance, and janitorial services.


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