With the new year upon us, Homeowner Associations are looking for ways to improve in 2022. Homeowners’ associations can work on several goals this year that will help keep their members happy. Here are 10 top resolutions for Homeowners Associations in the new year

  • Increase transparency.
  • Use social media effectively.
  • Engage residents offline.
  • Promote community events.
  • Build relationships with other HOA’s and real estate professionals.
  • Offer incentives to residents who maintain properties well and communicate with board members.
  • Educate prospective homeowners about the benefits of living in an HOA.
  • Give yourself a report card to identify areas of improvement.
  • Survey to get feedback from residents.
  • Create and distribute an annual calendar of all important dates and activities.

With the new year upon us, there is no better time to start fresh and improve your Homeowners Association. Get in touch with Property Life Management today if you want a team of experts to help you create a sense of community within your HOA. These are all resolutions we’ve seen many HOAs make over the last few years – would you like our help? Let us know how we can be a part of making 2022 even more successful for your homeowner’s association!
