If you’re a property owner in the District of Columbia and thinking about renting out your space on a short-term basis, now is the time to do it! The application grace period has been extended until June 9th, 2022. That means you have three months to apply for a Short-Term Rental license. But don’t wait too long – after that date, any unlicensed properties will be subject to fines and penalties. So what do you need to do next? Read on for more information.

There are currently two types of licenses:

  1. Short-term rental license
  2. Short-term rental vacation rental license

For more information about the difference between a short-term rental and a vacation rental and a list of frequently asked questions about the application process, visit the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) website here.

The application grace period has been extended until June 2022, so you have plenty of time to get your paperwork in order.

“As this is a new requirement in the District, we want to give people a reasonable amount of time to get their licenses before enforcement begins,” said DCRA Director Ernest Chrappah. “Over the last several months, we’ve worked with short-term rental hosts to gain feedback on our online license application process. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for District residents looking to earn extra income by renting out their homes.”[1]

Why is this important?

The short-term rental industry in the D.C area was largely unregulated for far too long. With input from residents, DCRA adopted new regulations to clarify requirements for booking services, the process for denying, suspending, and revoking a license, and exemption from the 90-day limit on short-term rentals for vacation rentals. For more information about the Short-Term Rental Regulation Act of 2018, visit the DCRA website.

What you need to do next

If you are a District resident and would like to apply for a Short-Term Rental License, please click here for a list of everything you need to know to get started.

Property Life Management is here to help you succeed in the short-term rental market. It is now more important than ever to protect your investment by partnering with a quality property management company. Please schedule an appointment today to see how we can help you!

[1] Retrieved on April 13, 2022 from: https://dcra.dc.gov/release/dcra-begin-accepting-license-applications-short-term-rentals-effective-january-10-2022