An extreme cold event is an event where the temperature outside is very low. During these conditions, there are many threats to our health and safety that we need to be aware of so that we can prepare. Some of these threats include exposure to wind chill, as well as a higher risk of frostbite or hypothermia if we are not properly dressed for the weather.

At times, extreme cold weather can pose serious threats to our health and safety. To prepare for these conditions, it is important to take certain precautions, including staying indoors as much as possible, wearing warm clothing and layers, and making sure you have access to emergency supplies such as food, water, and shelter. Additionally, it is important to monitor the local news or weather reports for updates on state emergencies and other weather-related alerts. By taking these steps ahead of time, you can help ensure your safety.

Here are a few important resources to help you create an extreme cold weather emergency plan for your family.


Maryland Extreme Cold Emergency Plan 2022

Family Emergency Plan

Virginia Department of Health Disaster Supply Kit

Washington DC, Extreme Weather Alerts

Build an Emergency Kit

Washington DC, Extreme Cold and Snowstorms