Owning a home comes with many responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is making sure you have the right tools on hand. Having the right tools in your toolbox can save time, money, and headaches when it comes to small maintenance or DIY projects around the house. From screwdrivers to hammers and wrenches to pliers, here are the essential tools every homeowner should have.


A screwdriver set is an absolute must-have for any homeowner. Screwdrivers come in various sizes and shapes, so you’ll want to ensure you have a variety on hand for different jobs around the house. A basic Phillips head and flat head is typically enough for most household tasks. Still, if you plan on doing more extensive work like replacing light fixtures or installing cabinets, you should invest in a more comprehensive set.


Having a hammer in your toolbox can be incredibly useful when it comes to hanging pictures or doing minor repairs around the house. There are several types of hammers available—claw hammers are great for driving nails into wood, while ball-peen hammers are better suited for metal work—so make sure you get one that’s appropriate for your needs.

Wrenches & Pliers

Wrenches and pliers are essential tools for any homeowner. Wrenches come in several varieties, such as open-end wrenches (used for turning nuts and bolts) and adjustable wrenches (which can be used on multiple sizes of nuts). Pliers can also be used to turn screws and hold objects tightly while they’re being worked on. Having both wrenches and pliers in your toolbox will ensure that you’re prepared when it comes time to do some basic repairs or tighten something up around the house.

These are just some of the essential tools every homeowner should have. With these items in your toolbox, you’ll be well-equipped to handle most basic maintenance tasks around the house without having to call a professional contractor or handyman service. Of course, there may be times when you need specialized tools that don’t come standard with most households—in those cases; it’s best to either borrow from friends or family members or rent from your local hardware store! Either way, having these essentials will make taking care of your home much easier than if you were starting from scratch each time something needed fixing!