Easter is a time for celebration and spending time with loved ones. Whether you’re looking for a way to entertain your family or simply looking for ways to get into the spirit of the holiday, there are many Easter activities you can do at home. Here are some fun and creative ideas to get you started:


Decorate Easter Eggs

Decorating Easter eggs is one of the most popular activities for this holiday that you can enjoy with your entire family. You can use a variety of dyes, stickers, markers, or paint to decorate your eggs. To be more creative, you can incorporate fun designs on your eggs by adding rubber bands before dying them or by using ribbons and fabrics.


Make Easter Baskets

Easter baskets are one of my favorite activities to do as a family. It is a great way to be creative and add personalization to your activities. You can fill your baskets with each other’s favorite items, such as treats, toys, and other small gifts. You can also take it up a notch and decorate your baskets with ribbons, bows, and Easter-themed decorations.


Have an Easter Egg Hunt

An Easter egg hunt is a fun way to get everyone in your home involved. You can hide eggs around your house or backyard and let your family search for them. You can make it more challenging and fun by making it a timed scavenger hunt.


Family Friend Games:

  • Tic Tac Toe with Easter eggs: Use bread and peanut butter for your eggs to stick
  • Egg Walk: Place a couple of eggs on a plate and challenge the contestants to walk from start to finish without dropping the eggs
  • Egg Roll game: After decorating your egg as a family, step outside and have each contestant roll their egg. Whoever’s egg rolls the farthest wins.
  • Jumping Bunnies: Use your pillowcases to hop from start to finish without falling


Bake Easter Treats

It wouldn’t be Easter without sweets and treats. There are plenty of Easter-themed recipes you can make with your family. A few popular treats are cookies, cakes, brownies, muffins, and so much more!


Easter DIY Crafts

Easter is a great time to bring out your creative side and do DIY projects. You can create popsicle stick bunnies, paper plate yarn crafts, wreaths, and many more.


Have a Family Dinner

Easter is a time for family and friends to come together, so why not have a special family dinner? You can cook a traditional Easter meal or create your menu. You can also decorate your table with Easter-themed decorations, such as bunnies, eggs, and flowers.


Attend Church Virtually

Many churches offer virtual services, so you can still have the opportunity to attend church virtually. You can dress up and make it a special and memorable occasion for your family.


In conclusion, there are a variety of fun Easter activities you can do at home with your family. With a little creativity, you can make this Easter a special and memorable one for your family.